A completed Sketch book

I started sketching and Drawing at a very early age. Like any other Bengali boy, I used to go drawing classes.

I continued drawing till year 2006. Then due to study and job almost stopped sketching.

A completed sketch book

As I was belong to a middle class family, parents thought what is the scope if continue study in drawing?

So, gradually my drawing stopped. Then due to study and job I moved to many places. But couldn’t not able to start drawing.

I came back to Bangalore on Sep. 2019.

As there are very few friends here and got more time, I started to drawing again.

Attached here is a collage of a completed drawing book of mine.

I love to draw very much now and will keep on drawing. My friends and family encouraging me to draw.


#griffin #sketch #colourpencilsketch #mythology #pencilsketch #sketching #drawing

Griffin is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and legs of a Lion; the head and wings of an Eagle. By the Middle Ages, the griffin was thought to be an especially powerful and majestic creature.

Since classical antiquity, griffins were known for guarding treasures and priceless possessions.
